Trigger build on file save

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This page shows how to get compilation on save.


sudo apt-get install inotify-tools


Run something like this in a terminal in your language data directory (replacing "apertium-foo" for your monolingual data dir):

while inotifywait -e modify *.{dix,lrx,t?x} ../../languages/apertium-foo/*.{dix,rlx}; do
   make -j4 langs
   echo 'test ei testsetning' | apertium -d . nno-nob-dgen

then edit e.g. a dix file and save it, and see your terminal magically trigger a rebuild :-)

You could also make it just validate on save, e.g.

while inotifywait -e modify *.dix; do
   for f in *.dix; do apertium-validate-dictionary "$f";done