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Line 36: Line 36:
$ python tmx-uniq.py bitext.en-da.tmx1 > bitext-en-da.uniq.tmx
$ python tmx-uniq.py bitext.en-da.tmx1 > bitext-en-da.tmx.uniq
Total: 11111
Total: 11111
Unique: 1164
Unique: 1164
$ cat bitext-en-da.uniq.tmx
$ cat bitext-en-da.tmx.uniq
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tmx version="1.4">
<tmx version="1.4">
Line 55: Line 55:
$ python tmx-sort.py bitext.en-da.tmx > bitext.en-da.tmx.sort
Total: 11111
$ cat bitext.en-da.tmx.sort
<tu tuid="991" datatype="Text">
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>to this address:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="da">
<seg>til adressen:</seg>
<tu tuid="1012" datatype="Text">
<tuv xml:lang="en">
<seg>to this address:</seg>
<tuv xml:lang="da">
<seg>til adressen:</seg>
==Typical errors==
==Typical errors==

Revision as of 12:53, 11 March 2009

As it is now quite easy to make lots of large TMXes with Bitextor and other tools, it would be good to have some tools for processing them. There are various things that it would be useful to do. For example, given a TMX file:

  • strip out translation units for any given two languages (tmx-extract). Bitextor and other tools generate TMX files with many possible combinations of languages, for a file of "no is en da sv", just give me all TUs which are "en-da".
  • strip out duplicate translation units (tmx-uniq).
  • sort the file by: line length, language, etc. (tmx-sort)
  • trim the file of dubious TUs (tmx-trim) — very short translations of long segments, very different punctuation, translations where the translation is exactly the same as the reference, translations which only consist of numbers, would be nice to have an option to give an MT of the target language to try and do better edit-distance, etc.
  • re-perform language identification (tmx-rident) of all segments given a number of options (e.g. you know the file is in either Swedish or Danish, but some entries come up as Icelandic).
  • re-format a TMX so that it fits the standard (tmx-clean), e.g. turns '&' into & etc. and optionally removes formatting.[1]
  • merge TMX files (tmx-merge), merge TMX files and uniq them on the way.
  • split a TMX file with many different languages (tmx-split) into tmx files with each of the different language pairs, optionally while re-identifying the language of each segment before placing it in a separate file.


You can find some example code in the apertium-tools/apertium-tmx-tools sub-directory in subversion.



$ python tmx-extract.py bitext.tmx en da
  <tu tuid="532" datatype="Text">
    <tuv xml:lang="en">
      <seg>Prizes for literature, music, film and the environment.</seg>
    <tuv xml:lang="da">
      <seg>Priser inden for litteratur, musik, film og miljø.</seg>


$ python tmx-uniq.py bitext.en-da.tmx1 > bitext-en-da.tmx.uniq
Total: 11111
Unique: 1164

$ cat bitext-en-da.tmx.uniq
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tmx version="1.4">
  <tu tuid="38" datatype="Text">
    <tuv xml:lang="en">
      <seg>Tools for authors - Nordic Council of Ministers/Nordic Council</seg>
    <tuv xml:lang="da">
      <seg>Verkfæri fyrir höfunda - Norræna ráðherranefndin/Noðurlandaráð</seg>


$ python tmx-sort.py bitext.en-da.tmx > bitext.en-da.tmx.sort Total: 11111

$ cat bitext.en-da.tmx.sort

 <tu tuid="991" datatype="Text">
   <tuv xml:lang="en">
     <seg>to this address:</seg>
   <tuv xml:lang="da">
     <seg>til adressen:</seg>
 <tu tuid="1012" datatype="Text">
   <tuv xml:lang="en">
     <seg>to this address:</seg>
   <tuv xml:lang="da">
     <seg>til adressen:</seg>

Typical errors

There follow some typical errors from automated TMX generation.

Language identification

The translation is good, but the languages are wrong, in this case sv should be is and da should be en.

  <tu tuid="148" datatype="Text">
    <tuv xml:lang="sv">
      <seg>Markmiðið er að upplýsa um norræna stefnuskrá og setja í brennidepil atburði og niðurstöður opinbers samstarfs á Norðurlöndum.</seg>
    <tuv xml:lang="da">
      <seg>The purpose is to inform about issues on the Nordic agenda and focus on some of the events and results of the official Nordic cooperation.</seg>
Segment is too short

The TU is too short to be useful, although the "translation" is correct. Probably in this case it would be good to keep "words", but discard acronyms etc.

  <tu tuid="165" datatype="Text">
    <tuv xml:lang="sv">
    <tuv xml:lang="da">
Segment only consists of numbers

Aside from the fact that it is impossible[2] to do language identification on numbers, it isn't much use having these in the TMX file.

  <tu tuid="108" datatype="Text">
    <tuv xml:lang="sv">
    <tuv xml:lang="da">


  1. Can you do this with xmllint maybe?
  2. Ok, just really difficult