Running the monolingual rule learning

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as a reference on how to add these modes if they do not exist.

Place the following Makefile in the folder where you want to run your training process:

Place the following Makefile in the folder where you want to run your training process:

#all: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).lrx data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx
all: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx.bin
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).lines: $(CORPUS).$(DIR).txt
	if [ ! -d data ]; then mkdir data; fi
	seq `cat $< | wc -l` > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).biltrans: $(CORPUS).$(DIR).txt
	if [ ! -d data ]; then mkdir data; fi
	cat $(CORPUS).$(DIR).txt | apertium-destxt | apertium -f none -d $(DATA) $(DIR)-pretransfer | lt-proc -b $(DATA)/$(AUTOBIL) > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).biltrans data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).lines
	cat -n data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).biltrans | python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ | python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ | python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig
	cat $< | python $(SCRIPTS)/ > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).unranked: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi
	cat $< | apertium -f none -d $(DATA) $(DIR)-multi > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ranked: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).unranked
	cat $< | irstlm-ranker-frac $(MODEL) > $@

data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ranked
	paste data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).multi data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ranked | cut -f1-4 > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated
	python3 $(SCRIPTS)/  data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated
	python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ambig data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).annotated > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).patterns: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams
	python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).ngrams > $@  
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx:  data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq
	python3 $(SCRIPTS)/ $< > $@
data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx.bin: data/$(CORPUS).$(DIR).freq.lrx
	apertium-lrx-comp $< $@

In the same folder also place your source side corpus file. The corpus file needs to be named as "basename"."language-pair".txt.
As an illustration, in the Makefile example, the corpus file is named

Set the Makefile variables as follows:

  • CORPUS denotes the base name of your corpus file
  • DIR stands for the language pair
  • DATA is the path to the language resources for the language pair
  • AUTOBIL is the path to binary bilingual dictionary for the language pair
  • SCRIPTS denotes the path to the lex-tools scripts
  • MODEL is the path to the target side (binary) language model used for scoring the possible translations of ambiguous words

Finally, executing the Makefile will generate lexical selection rules for the specified language pair.