Northern Sámi and Norwegian/release

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This page holds information about the release schedule for apertium-sme-nob.


sme-nob-specific stuff should be in sme-nob

e.g. langs/sme/tools/mt/apertium/tagsets/apertium.nob.relabel

Alternatively (ideally), there shouldn't be sme-nob-specific tag changes; all apertium pairs should have pretty similar tagsets.

Periods in abbreviations missing from lemma

Forms "nr" and "nr." get the exact same analysis:

$ echo -e 'nr\nnr.'|apertium -f none -d . sme-nob-morph 

So when translating to Norwegian, we have no idea whether to include the dot or not.

If form "nr." had lemma "nr." this would be simple.

High priority bad translations

What are the high-priority linguistic issues to deal with?

  • DONE: In chunker/t1x, add tags to certain verbs (eg. using def-lists) that can be used in t3x to change/remove case-prepositions (see dev/valence.txt)
    • TODO: fill out with more def-list entries
    • TODO: go through dev/valence.txt and mark off which examples can be handled with noun-lists, and which with verb-lists

Derivations mess up CG

Mainly a problem with the PoS-changing derivations.

In lookup2cg, PoS tags are given stars if they appear before derivational tags, so "V Der N" becomes "V* Der N". We could do this with twol, but we have no way of removing them before bidix.

Simple / clean solution: lexicalise.


Before release, we need to get testvoc out of the way – making sure there are no #'s and @'s in the output. The analyser is trimmed, but we can still have generator errors (and CG substitute errors). We can't create all possible surface forms from a cyclic HFST analyser, but we can at least run as large a corpus as we can find through sme-nob and look for # and @, and also send through the right-hand-sides of the bidix.

There are two helper scripts:

  • dev/ | grep '^#' should give no results. This script just sends the rhs of the bidix through the generator.
  • sed 's/^/sme\t/' smecorpus.txt | dev/ > analysedcorpus.txt</dev> – here grep 'DGEN.*#' should give no hits. This script also outputs the input and morph and tagger stages (and nob-sentence if handed a parallel corpus)

Expanding the morphology

Running hfst-fst2strings sme-nob.automorf.hfst.ol creates an expansion of the morphology, might be possible to use for testvoc.

There's a handy script dev/ that takes as input one word and PoS (tab-separated) per line, e.g.

galbmit	V
beana	N

, and uses the giellatekno web-based lemma expander to create all forms of each lemma (since hfst is still not very good for that), then runs them through bidix to check for missing bidix entries.