Difference between revisions of "Icelandic and English/Regression tests"

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* {{test|is|Hundur|Dog}}
* {{test|is|Hundur|Dog}}
* {{test|is|Hundurinn|The dog}}
* {{test|is|Hundurinn|The dog}}
* {{test|is|Stór hundur|Big dog}}
* {{test|is|Stór hundur|A big dog}}
* {{test|is|Stóri hundurinn|The big dog}}
* {{test|is|Stóri hundurinn|The big dog}}
* {{test|is|Stóri svarti hundurinn|The big black dog}}
* {{test|is|Stóri svarti hundurinn|The big black dog}}

Revision as of 22:59, 16 March 2009

To run these tests, run the script regression-tests.sh from the apertium-is-en language pair in SVN.

  • (is) Orð → Word
  • (is) Orðin → The words
  • (is) Ég sé hesta → I see horses
  • (is) Ég sá hesta → I saw horses
  • (is) Hann sér hesta → He sees horses
  • (is) Hann skrifaði bókina → He wrote the book
  • (is) Hundur → Dog
  • (is) Hundurinn → The dog
  • (is) Stór hundur → A big dog
  • (is) Stóri hundurinn → The big dog
  • (is) Stóri svarti hundurinn → The big black dog
  • (is) Fallega rauða rósin → The beautiful red rose
  • (is) Litla flókna rauða rósin → The small complicated red rose
  • (is) Virkilega stór hundur → Really big dog
  • (is) Virkilega stóri hundurinn → The really big dog
  • (is) Köttur → Cat
  • (is) Lítill köttur → Small cat
  • (is) Mjög lítill köttur → Very small cat
  • (is) Lítill svartur köttur → Small black cat
  • (is) Rós → Rose
  • (is) Rósin → The rose
  • (is) Rauða rósin → The red rose
  • (is) Þeir eru undir rúminu → They are under the bed
  • (is) Þú ert → You are
  • (is) Hann er → He is
  • (is) Við erum → We are
  • (is) Þið eruð → You are
  • (is) Þeir eru → They are
  • (is) Ég hef lesið bókina → I have read the book
  • (is) Ég get lesið bókina → I can read the book
  • (is) Stóra uglan át litlu músina í gær → The big owl ate the small mouse yesterday
  • (is) Stóra uglan hafði étið litlu músina í gær → The big owl had eaten the small mouse yesterday
  • (is) Hann fór í gær → He went yesterday