Apertium VirtualBox

From Apertium
Revision as of 13:32, 24 April 2013 by Tino Didriksen (talk | contribs)
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Since so many have problems getting Apertium to run on Windows or OS X, or are limited in bandwidth, Tino Didriksen has put together a ready-to-use VirtualBox VDI:


497914863 bytes (475 MB - smaller than an Ubuntu ISO !)
SHA-1: f6801ab1117051ca626ccd8d0eca37582eb0df1b
MD5: 3ea666a837af97ffbfd7b98b6bee5cf9

The archive decompresses to a 3 GB vdi file.


  • Xubuntu 12.10, so Xfce4 instead of Ubuntu's fancy-yet-useless interface, trimmed of all non-essential packages
  • VirtualBox Guest Additions
  • XChat, set to automatically connect to Freenode #apertium as nick ap-vbox (appending -2 or -3 on conflict), preconfigured in UTF-8 mode
  • Firefox, homepage set to Apertium Wiki
  • Gedit
  • Foma
  • HFST
  • CG-3
  • Apertium
  • lttoolbox
  • apertium-lex-tools

It automatically logs in to a 1024x768 desktop. All passwords set to 'apertium' for when root is needed. Keyboard and timezone are set to Danish, but there is a shortcut for Keyboard configuration on the desktop.

On first boot, it looks like:


On the desktop is apertium-kaz-tat which works - compiling and testing that language pair should pretty much guarantee all required tools are installed and functional.

Nothing else from svn is left checked out - all was wiped after installing in order to save space.

The image is set up as a dynamically expanding hdd with max size 64 GB, where 8 GB is allocated to swap space.

To install you will need:

Create a new virtual machine with OS Ubuntu and select the existing VDI when the choice about harddrive comes up. Give it at least 512 MB RAM - it might run with less, but the more the better.