Afrikaans and English/Contrastive grammar

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Verlede tyd (Past tense)

In English, past tense usually just involves changing the verb to its past tense form (usually by adding an '-ed' suffix to the end of the verb), but in Afrikaans, past tense usually involves adding a 'het' in the place of the verb, and then moving the verb to the end of the sentence and adding a 'ge-' prefix to the verb. If there's a preposition at the end of the sentence though, you join the preposition and the verb together.

  • (EN) I run today -> I ran yesterday; (AFR) Ek hardloop vandag -> Ek het gister gehardloop
  • (EN) I kick the ball -> I kicked the ball; (AFR) Ek skop die bal -> Ek het die bal geskop
  • (EN) I knock the vase off -> I knocked the vase off; (AFR) Ek klop die vaas af -> Ek het die vaas afgeklop

However, in Afrikaans, the exceptions to this rule include:

  • Auxiliary verbs, in which case only they change, while the rest of the sentence stays the same.
    • (EN) I can do it -> I could do it; (AFR) Ek kan dit doen -> Ek kon dit doen
    • (EN) I am a doughnut -> I was a doughnut; (AFR) Ek is 'n donut -> Ek was 'n donut
  • Words with 'be-', 'ge-', 'her-', 'er-', 'ont-', or 'ver-' prefix don't get a new 'ge-' suffix, staying the same.
    • (EN) I recognize the man -> I recognized the man; (AFR) Ek herken die man -> Ek het die man herken
  • Sentences with 'begin', 'probeer', 'gaan', or 'laat' in them. No 'ge-' prefix is added, and the words get moved to the end of the sentence.
    • (EN) I begin cooking it -> I began cooking it; (AFR) Ek begin dit kook -> Ek het dit begin kook
    • (EN) I let him begin talking -> I let him begin talking; (AFR) Ek laat hom begin praat -> Ek het hom laat begin praat

Intensiewe vorm (Intensive form)

In Afrikaans, there are special words that describe intensive form, whereas in English there are no such words, and the ideas are expressed as similes or 2 words instead. Here is a list of a few intensive form examples:

Intensiewe vorm (Intensive form)
Oorspronklike woord (Original word) Intensiewe vorm (Intensive form) English translation original word English translation intensive form
Blind Stokblind Blind As blind as a stick
Nodig Broodnodig Necessary As necessary as bread
Helder Kristalhelder Clear Crystal clear
Flou Stokflou Weak As weak as a stick
Doof Stokdoof Deaf As deaf as a stick
Rond Koeëlrond Round As round as a bullet
Seker Doodseker Sure Dead sure
Bleek Doodsbleek Pale Deathly pale
Skraal Rietskraal Slim As slim as a reed
Koud Yskoud Cold As cold as ice
Rooi Bloedrooi Red Blood red
Soet Stroopsoet Sweet As sweet as syrup
Arm Brandarm Poor As poor as fire

Note that all negative physical traits have a 'stok-' prefix in their intensive form, and that many intensive forms have a 'dood-' prefix.

Voegwoorde (Conjunctions)

Joining 2 sentences

In English, there are only 2 types of conjunctions - coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. However, in Afrikaans, there are 3 types - group 1 (Similar to coordinating conjunctions), group 2, and group 3.

  • Group 1 is the simplest. The conjunctions are maar (but), en (and), of (or), want (because), and dog (but). The rule for this is that you simply join the 2 sentences together and the word order stays the same. There are no exceptions to this rule.
    • (EN) I ate cake. I drank water. -> I ate cake and I drank water; (AFR) Ek het die koek geëet. Ek het die water gedrink. -> Ek het die koek geëet en ek het die water gedrink.
  • Group 2 is the next simplest. The conjunctions are dus (thus), daarom (therefore), anders (else), daarna (then), dan (then), intussen (meanwhile), nietemin (nonetheless), gevolglik (following that), al (although), nogtans (still), tog (now), nou (now), and toe (then). The rule for this is that you join the 2 sentences together, and then move the first verb of the second sentence right next to the conjunction. There are no exceptions to this rule.
    • (EN) I ran. I slept. -> I ran, then I slept; (AFR) Ek het gehardloop. Ek het geslaap. -> Ek het gehardloop, toe het ek geslaap.
    • (EN) I am hungry. I eat. -> I am hungry, therefore I eat; (AFR) Ek is honger. Ek eet. -> Ek is honger, daarom eet ek
  • Group 3 has by far the most exceptions and rules. The conjunctions are all conjunctions ending with '-dat' e.g. omdat (because), all question words e.g. waar (where), terwyl (while), alhoewel (although), aangesien (seeing that), sodra (as soon as), sedert (since), mits (provided that), tensy (unless), and indien (if). The general rule for this is that you move the first verb to the end of the sentence when you join the sentences.
    • (EN) I am wet. I swim in the pool. -> I am wet because I swim in the pool; (AFR) Ek is nat. Ek swem in die swembad. -> Ek is nat omdat ek in die swembad swem.
  • The exceptions of group 3 are as follows:
    • When there are 2 verbs, if the first verb is an auxiliary verb or begin, probeer, gaan, or laat, it moves right before the second verb. Otherwise, the first verb simply moves to the end of the sentence.
      • (EN) I am literate. I can read. -> I am literate because I can read; (AFR) Ek is geletterd. Ek kan lees. -> Ek is geletterd omdat ek kan lees.
      • (EN)

Starting a sentence with a conjunction

In Afrikaans, you can only start a sentence with a group 3 conjunction, or 'al' from the group 2 conjunctions.

Ontkennende vorm (Negative form)

Woord order (Word order)