Ideas for Google Summer of Code/Improvements to postedition interface

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Here is a list of possible improvements. When writing your application, please choose the tasks you are most interested in and you think will fit in the summer, and explain your choice.

  • Improve modularity of the code
    • Rewrite the Javascript as separate modules so that it be easy to decide which tools to enable or disable in the interface
    • Rewrite language.php file as an abstract script, and interface modules for Apertium, Aspell and LanguageTool.
    • Provide more formatting modules; currently only ODF, OOXML, html and text are supported. Mediawiki (using apertium-mediawiki) and others are wanted.
    • Provide modules to integrate alternative tools for spell and grammar checking (AfterTheDeadline, etc.)
    • Provide a module to use the web service instead of a local Apertium installation
  • Make user edition logging useful
    • Make it possible to input a TMX to help for a translation (either with Apertium's TMX input system, or an external tool like OmegaT)
    • Design a server-side TMX database, so that the memory generated after a translation be stored and reused automatically for next translations in this language pair. (It might be wise to add some kind of validation too, to make sure that people don't mess with the whole system by submitting wrong translations...)
    • Find a way to extract useful information from the dynamic event logging
  • Improve the User Interface
    • Localisation, make it possible to translate the interface into different languages.
    • Improve overall design
    • Fix possibly remaining bugs
    • Make it faster and cross-browser compatible