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Line 136: Line 136:
| <code>pis</code> || Imperfect subjunctive ||
| <code>pis</code> || Imperfect subjunctive ||
| <code>ifi</code> || || Pretério perfecto o indefinido
| <code>ifi</code> || || from ''Pretério perfecto o indefinido''

Revision as of 13:51, 20 February 2008

Eventually this will be a glossary of symbol names in alphabetical order with notes. Some of these names are specific to particular packages or language pairs, as not all languages have the same grammatical features (most don't have spatial distinction in articles for example).


Symbol Gloss Notes
n Noun see 'np' for proper noun
vblex Standard verb see also: vbser, vbhaver, vbmod, vaux
vbmod Modal verb
vbser Verb "to be" from ser (to be)
vbhaver Verb "to have" from haver (to have)
vaux Auxilliary verb
adj Adjective
adv Adverb
preadv Pre-adverb
det Determiner
prn Pronoun
pr Preposition
num Numeral
np Proper noun from nom propri
ij Interjection
cnjcoo Co-ordinating conjunction
cnjsub Sub-ordinating conjunction
cnjadv Adverbial conjunction



Symbol Gloss Notes
f Feminine
m Masculine
nt Neuter
mf Masculine , feminine This is used where the gender can be either masculine or feminine
GD Gender to be determined


Symbol Gloss Notes
sg Singular
pl Plural
du Dual
sp Singular , plural
ND Number to be determined


Symbol Gloss Notes
nom Nominative
acc Accusative
dat Dative
gen Genitive
voc Vocative
ins Instrumental
loc Locative
abl Ablative
cpr Prepositional


Symbol Gloss Notes
pres Present
past Past
imp Imperative
inf Infinitive
pp Past participle
ger Gerund
pri Present indicative see also: pres
pii Imperfect from Pretério imperfecto de indicativo
fti Future indicative
cni Conditional
prs Present subjunctive
pis Imperfect subjunctive
ifi from Pretério perfecto o indefinido

Proper nouns

Symbol Gloss Notes
ant Anthroponym
top Toponym In some language pairs without the locative case this may be loc.
hyd Hydronym


Symbol Gloss Notes
p1 First person
p2 Second person
p3 Third person


Symbol Gloss Notes
sint Synthetic
pve Positive
comp Comparative
sup Superlative
attr Attributive
pred Predicative

    <sdef n="aff"     c="Affirmative"/>
    <sdef n="int"     c="Interrogative"/>
    <sdef n="neg"     c="Negative"/>

    <sdef n="impers"  c="Impersonal"/>
    <sdef n="tn"      c="Tonico"/>

    <sdef n="detnt"   c="Neuter determiner"/>
    <sdef n="predet"  c="Pre determiner"/>
    <sdef n="atn"/>
    <sdef n="qnt"     c="Quantifier"/>
    <sdef n="ord"     c="Ordinal"/>
    <sdef n="obj"     c="Object"/>
    <sdef n="subj"    c="Subject"/>
    <sdef n="pro"     c="Proclitic"/>

    <sdef n="acr"     c="Acronym"/>

    <sdef n="al"      c="Altres / Other / Otros"/>
    <sdef n="rel"     c="Relative"/>
    <sdef n="nn"      c="Noun noun"/>
    <sdef n="an"      c="Adjective noun"/>
    <sdef n="aa"      c="Adjective adjective"/>
    <sdef n="ind"     c="Indefinite"/>    
    <sdef n="itg"     c="Interrogative"/>
    <sdef n="dem"     c="Demonstrative"/>
    <sdef n="def"     c="Definite"/>
    <sdef n="pos"     c="Possessive"/>
    <sdef n="ref"     c="Reflexive"/>

    <sdef n="ind"     c="Indefinite"/>    
    <sdef n="def"     c="Definite"/>
    <sdef n="prx"     c="Proximate"/>
    <sdef n="dst"     c="Distal"/>