Difference between revisions of "Irish FST tags"

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Line 33: Line 33:
| <code>+Card</code> || {{tag|card}} || Cardinal (one two three ...)
| <code>+Card</code> || {{tag|card}} || Cardinal (one two three ...)
| <code>+Cmc</code> || &mdash; || Communicator (yeah, y'know)
| <code>+Cmpd</code> || &mdash; || Compound
| <code>+Cmpd</code> || &mdash; || Compound
Line 71: Line 69:
| <code>+English</code> || &mdash; || English
| <code>+English</code> || &mdash; || English
| <code>+Event</code> || &mdash; || Simple Event (laugh, sneeze etc.)
| <code>+Fem</code> || {{tag|f}} || feminine gender
| <code>+Fem</code> || {{tag|f}} || feminine gender
| <code>+Filler</code> || &mdash; || Filled Pause (eh, em,
| <code>+Foreign</code> || {{tag|}} || Foreign
| <code>+Foreign</code> || {{tag|}} || Foreign
Line 155: Line 149:
| <code>+Qty</code> || {{tag|qnt}} || Quantifier
| <code>+Qty</code> || {{tag|qnt}} || Quantifier
| <code>+Quo</code> || {{tag|}} || all quotation marks double, single etc.
| <code>+Ref</code> || {{tag|ref}} || Reflexive
| <code>+Ref</code> || {{tag|ref}} || Reflexive
Line 171: Line 163:
| <code>+Slender</code> || {{tag|}} || qualifies a plural noun ending in a slender consonant
| <code>+Slender</code> || {{tag|}} || qualifies a plural noun ending in a slender consonant
| <code>+St</code> || {{tag|}} || start bracket, quote etc
| <code>+Strong</code> || {{tag|}} || same for all cases) the adj will also have the same form in all cases BUT when the adj. is qualifying a weak plural noun,in the gen.case, it is not inflected i.e. the base form of the adjective is used. Nom and Voc plurals are inflecte as for strong plural nouns
| <code>+Strong</code> || {{tag|}} || same for all cases) the adj will also have the same form in all cases BUT when the adj. is qualifying a weak plural noun,in the gen.case, it is not inflected i.e. the base form of the adjective is used. Nom and Voc plurals are inflecte as for strong plural nouns
Line 193: Line 183:
| <code>+Weak</code> || {{tag|}} || when an adj is qualifying a strong plural noun(i.e. noun plural is the
| <code>+Weak</code> || {{tag|}} || when an adj is qualifying a strong plural noun(i.e. noun plural is the
| <code>+Xxx</code> || {{tag|}} || Indecipherable speech
| <code>+hPref</code> || {{tag|}} || prefix e.g. (h)iontach
| <code>+hPref</code> || {{tag|}} || prefix e.g. (h)iontach
Line 208: Line 196:
| <code>+Fin</code> || {{tag|}} || sentence final
| <code>+Fin</code> || {{tag|}} || sentence final
| <code>+End</code> || {{tag|}} || end bracket, quote etc
| <code>+End</code> || &mdash; || end bracket, quote etc
| <code>+Brack</code> || {{tag|lpar}}, {{tag|rpar}} || round, square and curly brackets
| <code>+Brack</code> || {{tag|lpar}}, {{tag|rpar}} || round, square and curly brackets
| <code>+Bar</code> || {{tag|guio}} || hyphen, underscore, dash etc.
| <code>+Bar</code> || {{tag|guio}} || hyphen, underscore, dash etc.
| <code>+St</code> || &mdash; || start bracket, quote etc
| <code>+Quo</code> || {{tag|lquot}},&nbsp;{{tag|rquot}} || all quotation marks double, single etc.
| <code>+Xxx</code> || {{tag|}} || Indecipherable speech
| <code>+Filler</code> || &mdash; || Filled Pause (eh, em,
| <code>+Event</code> || &mdash; || Simple Event (laugh, sneeze etc.)
| <code>+Cmc</code> || &mdash; || Communicator (yeah, y'know)
!colspan=3| Dialect
!colspan=3| Dialect

Revision as of 16:04, 24 March 2012

Irish FST Apertium Description
+VD <> ditransitive - not at present
+VF <> - form used before a word starting with a vowel or f+vowel
+Verb <v> verb
+VI <v><iv> intransitive
+VT <v><tv> transitive
+VTI <v><tv>, <v><iv> transitive, intrans., both trans & intrans
+1P <p1> First person
+2P <p2> Second person
+3P <p3> Third person
+Abr <abbr> Abbreviation
+Adj <adj> adjective
+Adv <adv> Adverb
+Art <det><def> article
+Auto <impers> Autonomous
+Base <pst> positive / base form (changed from +Pos to +Base 10/09/03)
+Card <card> Cardinal (one two three ...)
+Cmpd Compound
+Com <nom> nominative case
+Comp <comp> comparative
+Cond <>
+Conj conjunction
+Coord <cnjcoo> co-ordinate
+Cop <cop> Copula
+Dat <dat> dative (e.g. teach)
+Def <def> Definite
+DefArt <> noun preceeded by definite article (an)
+Deg <> with Degree Particle
+Dem <dem> Demonstrative
+Dep <> dependant forms
+Det <det> Determiner
+Dir <> Directional
+Ecl <> (+Urú) e.g. after compound prep eg ar an gcat
+Emph <emph> Emphatic (Contrastive) form of personal pronoun
+English English
+Fem <f> feminine gender
+Foreign <> Foreign
+FutInd <> Future Indicative
+Gen <gen> genitive case
+Gn <> General
+Idf <ind> Indefinite
+Imper <imp> - Imperative Mood - Modh Ordaitheach
+Int <> sentence internal
+Itj <ij> Interjection
+Its <> intensifiers e.g. sách, ró- etc.
+Len <> e.g. ab fhearr, ba mhó a masc noun must be either lenitedor eclipsed according to preference/dialect. If it is lenited then the adj is likewise lenited. If it is eclipsed then the adj has no initial mutation.
+Loc <loc> Locative
+Masc <m> masculine gender
+NStem <> de-nominal verbal (action) noun
+Neg <neg> Negative
+NegQ <>
+NotSlen <> qualifies a plural noun ending in a broad consonantor a vowel
+Noun <n> noun
+Num <num> Numeral
+Obj <> á = "do a" when obj of VN
+Op <>
+Ord <ord> Ordinal (first, second, third..) i.e. mo dhá lámh, an chéad dhá theach
+Part <part> see irregular nouns
+Past <past> copula past & conditional
+PastImp <> Gháthchaite Past Habitual (Imperfect Indicative)
+PastInd <> Past Indicative
+PastSubj <> Past Subjunctive
+Pers <pers> Personal
+Pl <pl> plural
+Poss <pos> Possessive
+Prep <pr> Preposition
+Pres <pres> copula present & future
+PresImp <> Gháthláithreach Pres Habitual (Verb bí only)
+PresInd <> Present Indicative
+PresSubj <> Present Subjunctive
+Pro <> Pronoun with Copula
+Pron <prn> Pronoun
+Prop <np> proper
+Q <itg> Interrogative
+Qty <qnt> Quantifier
+Ref <ref> Reflexive
+Rel <rel> relative forms - direct
+RelInd <> rel. indirect
+Sbj <> sí, sé and siad are used only when pron follows predicate verb in subject position eg Chuaigh SÍ amach (She went out but Téigh gan Í (Go without her)
+Sg <sg> singular
+Simp <> Simple
+Slender <> qualifies a plural noun ending in a slender consonant
+Strong <> same for all cases) the adj will also have the same form in all cases BUT when the adj. is qualifying a weak plural noun,in the gen.case, it is not inflected i.e. the base form of the adjective is used. Nom and Voc plurals are inflecte as for strong plural nouns
+Strong <> strong plural
+Subord <cnjsub> subordinate
+Subst <> - copula+pron+art+noun - séard (is é an rud)
+Subst <> substantive - functions like a noun, but lack noun inflections
+Temp <> Temporal e.g. inniu, amárach etc.
+Verbal <>
+Voc <voc> vocative case
+Vow <> vowel-initial : used to allow past-tense Len e.g. d´ith
+Weak <> when an adj is qualifying a strong plural noun(i.e. noun plural is the
+hPref <> prefix e.g. (h)iontach
+Adj <adj> adj used in noun compound e.g. domhain+Adj+comhrá+Noun+...
+Guess <>
+Punct <> Abbreviation
+Fin <> sentence final
+End end bracket, quote etc
+Brack <lpar>, <rpar> round, square and curly brackets
+Bar <guio> hyphen, underscore, dash etc.
+St start bracket, quote etc
+Quo <lquot><rquot> all quotation marks double, single etc.
+Xxx <> Indecipherable speech
+Filler Filled Pause (eh, em,
+Event Simple Event (laugh, sneeze etc.)
+Cmc Communicator (yeah, y'know)
+CC Canúint Chonnachta
+CM Canúint na Mumhan
+CM canúint na Mumhan, Munster dialect
+CU Canúint Uladh

See also