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* (cy) ''Flwyddyn neu ddwy ar ôl priodas Elin.'' → Year or two after the marriage of Elin.
* (cy) ''Flwyddyn neu ddwy ar ôl priodas Elin.'' → Year or two after the marriage of Elin.

;Elided pr.poss after a vowel

* (cy) ''â'i gar'' → With his car

;Generic coolness
;Generic coolness

Revision as of 16:19, 2 July 2008

To run these tests, run the script regression-tests.sh from the apertium-cy-en language pair in SVN.

Treatment of 'is' in present tense.
  • (en) The boy is in the garden. → mae y bachgen yn yr ardd. (note: yr → 'r is an open bug)
  • (cy) mae'r bachgen yn yr ardd. → the boy is in the garden.

Yep, I know the pattern, the problem is that the post-generator insists on having a ~ before anything that it deals with -- This would mean that we have to have '~' before every vowel, which would be quite difficult. There is another possibility though, if we can't fix that and it would be to just use a plain transliterator to replace:
"aeiouwy + space + ~yr + space" with "aeiouwy'r + space"
Can you think of anything this might catch by accident? or is it a fairly safe search/replace? - Francis Tyers

I would go with this in the meantime - I think it's pretty safe. Note that your rule can act on both 'y' and 'yr'. The system is:
consonant + space + y + space + consonant
consonant + space + yr + space + vowel
vowel + 'r + space + consonant-or-vowel
No subject shift with imperative
  • (cy) gwasgwch y botwm! → squeeze the button!
  • (en) squeeze the button! → gwasgu y botwm! (note: infinitive for imperative is an open bug)
"yn" as stative
  • (cy) yn falch → proud
  • (cy) yn hapus → happy
  • (cy) tyfodd fo yn fawr → he grew big
Subject shift for pronouns
  • (cy) roedden nhw'n hapus → they were happy
Number agreement of verb
  • (cy) roedd y bechgyn yn hapus → the boys were happy
  • (cy) roedd y cwningod yn hapus → the rabbits were happy
  • (cy) gwelodd y dyn y llyfr → the man saw the book
"yn" as "-ing"
  • (cy) yn mynd → going
  • (cy) yn gweld → seeing
Conjugation of 'mynd'
  • (cy) aeth fo → he went
Comparative adjectives
  • (cy) tyfodd y twnnel yn fwy → the tunnel grew bigger
  • (cy) tyfodd y twnnel yn llai → the tunnel grew smaller
  • (cy) tyfodd y twnnel yn hirach → the tunnel grew longer
  • (cy) tyfodd y twnnel yn uwch → the tunnel grew higher
Insertion of indefinite determiner
  • (cy) daeth Taid â lamp → Grandfather came with a lamp
  • (cy) dychwelodd y rheolwr gyda gŵr tew → the manager returned with a fat man
Verbal nouns / Infinitives
  • (cy) roedd y dyn yn gwerthu pethau rhad → the man was selling cheap things
  • (cy) roedd fo yn palu → he was digging
  • (cy) ceisiodd y dyn agor y bocs → the man tried to open the box
Synthetic to non-synthetic adjectives
  • (en) the nice house → y tŷ neis
  • (en) the nicer house → y tŷ neisiach
  • (en) the nicest house → y tŷ neisiaf
  • (en) the dirty cat → y gath budr
  • (en) the dirtier cat → y gath fwy budr
  • (en) the dirtiest cat → y gath fwyaf budr
Yes, the synthetic endings would be nice to sort out, but I don't think there would be a mutation here, so that's not a bug. - Donnek
The synthetic endings there are valid then? - Francis Tyers
Yes, in this case you would tend to say "y tŷ neisiaf". - Donnek
Hmm. Something odd about these. "y gath fudr" - fem adj has SM. Because the adj is short, you would also tend to use "butrach" and "butraf" in the second two. "peryglus" (dangerous) might be a better adj to use.- Donnek
There are a few adjectives which need to be marked as synthetic in the monodix. Is there likely to be an easy way of doing this? - Francis Tyers
As a rough rule for the time being, I would say you could mark any adj of 2 syllables or less as synthetic, but of course that is not scientific. - Donnek
Subordinate ("reported speech") clauses with "bod" + noun
  • (cy) clywodd y dyn bod y trên am gyrraedd yn hwyr. → the man heard that the train will arrive late.
  • (cy) yr honiadau bod yr AS wedi methu datgan £103,000 o roddion. → the allegations that the MP has failed declare £103,000 of gifts.
  • (cy) clywodd y dyn bod y trên ar gyrraedd yn hwyr → the man heard that the train was about to arrive late.
Infinitive after "yn lle"
  • (cy) yn lle mynd dros y ffordd → instead of going over the road
  • (en) instead of going over the road → yn lle mynd dros y f/ffordd (note: initial mutation error here needs to be fixed)
"sydd" / "sy"
  • (cy) mae'r dyn yn adeiladu gwesty sy'n darparu llawer o ystafelloedd → the man is building hotel that provides a lot of rooms
  • (cy) mae'r blaid yn gwneud rhywbeth sy'n cyfrannu at ennill yr etholiad → the party is doing something that contributes towards winning the election
  • (cy) mae'r dafad yn pori yn y maes sy'n cynnig bwyd da → the sheep is grazing in the field that offers good food
  • (cy) mae'r defaid yn pori yn y cae sy'n cynnig bwyd da → the sheep are grazing in the closes that good food offers.
Subordinate ("reported speech") clauses with "bod" + pronoun
  • (cy) mae hi'n dweud eu bod nhw wedi mynd → she is saying that they have gone
  • (cy) mae hi'n dweud eu bod nhw am mynd → she is saying that they will go
  • (cy) mae hi'n dweud eu bod nhw ar mynd → she is saying that they are about to go
  • (cy) mae'n amlwg ei fod o'n dweud y gwir → is obvious that he is telling the truth
  • (cy) clywodd y dyn ei fod o'n cyrraedd yn hwyr → the man heard that he is arriving late (note: he → it is open bug)
  • (cy) ei fod o wedi dod → that he has come
  • (cy) ei fod o am adael → that he will leave
Genitive noun-phrase
  • (cy) merch y meddyg → The daughter of the doctor
"i" + infin
  • (cy) aeth y bachgen wedi i'r bws ddod → The boy went after the bus came
Conjunctive genitive with proper names
  • (cy) Flwyddyn neu ddwy ar ôl priodas Elin. → Year or two after the marriage of Elin.
Elided pr.poss after a vowel
  • (cy) â'i gar → With his car
Generic coolness
  • (cy) Roedd y Comisiwn yn ymchwilio i'r honiadau bod yr AS wedi methu datgan £103,000 o roddion. → the Commission Was investigating the allegations that the MP has failed to declare £103,000 of gifts.
  • (cy) Dywedodd yr heddlu fod y troseddau honedig wedi digwydd rhwng 2003 a 2007 yn Sir Benfro a Sir Gaerfyrddin. → the police Said that the alleged crimes have happened between 2003 and 2007 in Pembrokeshire and Carmarthenshire.
  • (cy) Mae'r heddlu hefyd yn ymchwilio i honiadau ei bod hi'n cael perthynas â dyn llawer hŷn. → the police Are also investigating his allegations be she getting relation with a much older man.